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Monday, September 18, 2006

Greatest new web 2.0 developments

Check out Wizag and riffs

riffs ( is the brainchild of ATTAP and supposedly part of the engine that will drive the anxiously awaited LifeIO. You'll be impressed at the ease with which you can rate anything with the TiVo famous thumbs up or thumbs down icon. As you rate, riffs dynamically generates recommendations by identifying others with similar interests. A fun way to kill an a few minutes or more at work and a great way to get new ideas or recommendations on food, music, movies, tv, clothes, games, travel, schools, websites, software, and much more.

Wizag ( is an RSS aggregator with digg and social networking integrated to allow you to rate and tag articles which then sorts your rss content to rank and optimize new articles so you see those likely of most interest to you.

If you sign up for either, look me up


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